i have a blog!

oh my word its crazy i never ever thought i would have a blog but i guess now i do...so here it is...enjoy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Jewellery insired by the sea

 Jewellery i like:
I love this ring! i think it is absolutely stunning.i am a person who likes very delicate things and i think this ring even tho quite large is very delicate and elligent.this ring is a play on a oyster with a pearl inside and even though the "shell"part has holes in it they dont look out of place they compliment the design well.it almost looks like the "oyster/shell" has got battetered around in the sea and still managed to keep the precious pearl safe.i think it is very cleverly designed.

image found on: http://www.esty.net/phpesty/images/X_ba_springs_a_01.jpg