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oh my word its crazy i never ever thought i would have a blog but i guess now i do...so here it is...enjoy!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jewellery inspired by Nature

Jewelly i like... 

When i first saw these rings all i could say was "wow" .I couldn't get over how awesome and beautiful they were.They are clearly not to be worn in everyday life but the amount of detail in these are amazing.They are created out of nylon filaments.Nora Fok the designer uses only her hands and a few basic tools to make these incredible pieces.I love how elegant the rings are and the softness created by the nylon.I am completely blown away...wow!

Jewellery i dislike...
This is a ring i don't particularly like that much.I just feel it is not elegant at all and the overall look seems unfinished.The stones look like they were random stones the designer found somewhere in the garden and he just stuck them onto the ring with no thought.I think the stones are beautiful by themselves but placed together in this way i feel  doesn't show their real beauty.If the designer were to place these stones in a different way in the ring or on separate rings i think they would be a lot more appealing.

I found this image at:http://www.klimt02.net/jewellers/

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