i have a blog!

oh my word its crazy i never ever thought i would have a blog but i guess now i do...so here it is...enjoy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Jewellery insired by the sea

 Jewellery i like:
I love this ring! i think it is absolutely stunning.i am a person who likes very delicate things and i think this ring even tho quite large is very delicate and elligent.this ring is a play on a oyster with a pearl inside and even though the "shell"part has holes in it they dont look out of place they compliment the design well.it almost looks like the "oyster/shell" has got battetered around in the sea and still managed to keep the precious pearl safe.i think it is very cleverly designed.

image found on: http://www.esty.net/phpesty/images/X_ba_springs_a_01.jpg

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I like this design because:
I think the person who invented these spoons was extremely clever...these are spoons you can hang on the side of cups or bowls or wherever you want to.i think this is a very practical design that has been well thought out.I am sure many people would buy something like this.its also quirky and fun compared to a regular spoon! I really want one don't you??

I dislike this design because...

These forks are ridiculous... honestly who would put time and effort into making something that is totally impractical.The caption said they were designed to discourage meat eating,but really now.the rounded pieces are over the spikes so even if you do don't eat meat you would still have trouble picking up vegetables with these forks.i don't think these are such a successful design.
This knife fork and spoon are in my opinion not a very good design.first of all the fork is the most crooked fork i've ever seen,it will be very difficult to eat with.the knife...well its got a small serrated edge on each side,i think this will be very difficult and challenging to cut with.The spoon is probably the most useful out of the three but its not much better then the other two.It looks very shallow so you would not be able to eat anything liquid with it.I think the cutlery look funky but are not very practical.The cutlery is made of plastic which means that if pressure is placed on the knife and fork especially they will break...not a very good design.

I found these images at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/blog/2008/jan/22/planestupid

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I like these because...

These earings are very beautiful and i really like them...I am a very girly girl so l tend to like things that are elligant.I think the way these earings are designed is very appealing to the eye because the wire creates a line that leads your eye to the ball on the end,the line is curvy and organic so it is easy to follow.These earings look like water drops that have run down a surface like glass, leaving a trail behind them.I would definately buy these and wear them...
I found these earings at:http://www.tikanchayblog.com/handcrafted-jewelry/unique-silver-jewelry-peru/

I dislike these because...

When i saw these they really made me get goosebumps all over.They are absolutely disgusting.I cant believe a person would make earlings out of squirrel feet let alone wear them.This is what the explanation below the picture was:"This is a pair of genuine taxidermy squirrel feet earrings. They hang from ornate Victorian inspired posts and measure 1 1/2″ long without post. They have been professionally preserved."I think they are not the most practical earings because the claws would get hooked on clothing.overall i dont think they such a great design and wouldnt sell too easily.Remember…nothing says I love you like dead tree rat.

I found this image at:http://amazingdata.com/8-coolest-earrings-designs/

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Designs inspired by Nature

Design i like...

I think this design is very effective.It is shelves designed by Maria Yasko, a Russian designer inspired by nature and its surroundings. Each of the designs seem to be a perfect combination of art and design.these shelves can really add a little but extra in a room without being too overpowering.I think having these shelves in your house would inspire you to keep them neat and tidy unlike normal shelves.These are really awesome i wouldn't mind having these shelves in my room.

Designs i dislike...
I know we supposed to be going green and only use Eco-friendly products but really, making slops with grass  growing in them is ridiculous.I don't think this is a good design, they will be very impracical and hard to maintain.They might be comfy but i cant imagine the thought of constantly having grass beneath my feet and if the grass gets a little wet the slops will slide straight off your feet.I also think they will not sell very well.this design is just too crazy.,, 

I found this image at:http://www.designwoo.com/2009/08/

Jewellery inspired by Nature

Jewelly i like... 

When i first saw these rings all i could say was "wow" .I couldn't get over how awesome and beautiful they were.They are clearly not to be worn in everyday life but the amount of detail in these are amazing.They are created out of nylon filaments.Nora Fok the designer uses only her hands and a few basic tools to make these incredible pieces.I love how elegant the rings are and the softness created by the nylon.I am completely blown away...wow!

Jewellery i dislike...
This is a ring i don't particularly like that much.I just feel it is not elegant at all and the overall look seems unfinished.The stones look like they were random stones the designer found somewhere in the garden and he just stuck them onto the ring with no thought.I think the stones are beautiful by themselves but placed together in this way i feel  doesn't show their real beauty.If the designer were to place these stones in a different way in the ring or on separate rings i think they would be a lot more appealing.

I found this image at:http://www.klimt02.net/jewellers/

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Furniture inspired by Alice in Wonderland

i like this furniture because...
This furniture is awesome! I think if you look at it in context they are designed really well.i think these would be really fun to put in a kids room.the illusion is that all the things on the shelf should fall off but these are designed so that the shelves and exactly parallel to the ground so nothing will fall off the shelves.

i don't like this furniture because...

This piece of furniture is very creative and we can see that the designer was inspired but i don't think this chair is very practical.I think this chair is not a very good design.The chair goes up the wall which means that only half the chair can be sat on and if you try lay on it you will be extremely uncomfortable.I think this chair is not made to be put in a everyday house or for anyone to sit on, i think it is made for show.What is the point of spending lots of money on something that you cant even use...well that's my opinion anyway.

Jewellery inspired by Alice in Wonderland

i like these pieces because...

i really like this pendant,i think its really cleverly designed.By putting all the characters and objects in a keyhole the designer has created closure and the element of imagination.By this design we can see the designer has either read Alice in Wonderland or seen it.By designing the pendant around a keyhole it also gives the viewers of this piece a chance to imagine what is through the keyhole...each person will have a different story.i think this is really a fun way of encouraging people to use their imaginations. 

i found this ring that i absolutely love.i think it is so cleverly designed i love fantasy and i think when people see mushrooms they immediately associate them with fantasy. i think it is clever how the designer has made the mushroom stems form the ring.This ring may not be the most practical ring to wear everyday but i don't think the designer meant for it to be.I would buy a ring like this...

i found the image of the ring on http://www.theresidentarchitect.com/2010/08/alice-in-wonderland-jewelry.html and the image of the pendant on http://blogshopr.com/20100317/alice-in-wonderland-inspired-jewelry-with-antique-charms-such-as/

I don't like these designs because...

Well what can i say...when i first saw this i was like "wow that's a bit over the top" and i looked a little closer and analysed it a bit and i think this ring is definitely over the top.its made of coral.I think this ring is totally impractical and not very appealing.i think if you had to wear something like this it would get hooked on clothing and would get in the way everywhere and it also looks very heavy so would be hard to wear.This ring is clearly just for show and not to be worn.I don't think it is a good design.